Media and Democracy in the Western Balkans and Turkey: Alarming Trends Unveiled
Journalism and media in the Western Balkans and Turkey are in a state of perpetual crisis, according to the conclusion...
To work, MIL must be inclusive, focused and innovative
Media and Information Literacy Approaches in the Western Balkans Although the focus of MIL is still on the analysis of...
Our Media: Local Initiatives for Active Citizenship
SEENPM member organizations gathered around the regional project Our Media have selected the best local initiatives within a public call intended for...
Analyzes the compliance of the law in Montenegro with the EU regulation Law on Freedom of Media and Law on Digital Services – Description of conditions and tasks for bidders (ToR)
Backgound The project "Professional journalism for better protection of human rights" is implemented by the Media Center in partnership with...
MIL and Media Activism: Young Leaders of Change gathered in Istanbul
By Hilma Unkić Young activists, researchers, and journalists from the Western Balkans and Turkey gathered in Istanbul from October 29-31...
Montenegro facing a challenge – How to protect yourself from AI-generated false information?
Written by: Jelena Nelević Martinović What is the interface between an interview of an experienced Montenegrin doctor who recommends some...
Integrity in newsrooms: A business barrier or an urgent need
Written by: Dražen Đurašković What the audience perceives as the final product in the form of a media report or...
Written by: Danijela Lasica HOW MEDIA SHAPES OUR ATTITUDES, VALUES AND IDENTITY Photo: Canva Pro „Ideally, the media is an...
Mobilization for Protecting the Public Interest in the Media
Rather than being only channels for communicating and representing the social realities, democratic media are a prerequisite of democracy. In...
Media self-regulation in Montenegro – weak mechanisms and outdated Code of Ethics
Media self-regulation in Montenegro relies on the Code of Journalists of Montenegro, which all media accept. However, the Code is...